SecrID black leather card wall

Lost Item Information

Please review the following details for your property.

Claim ID 30456
Property Lost SecrID black leather card wall
Date Lost Oct 07, 2019
Time Lost 6:00 PM
First Name Daniel MacLellan
Pickup / Drop off Location JFK
Taxi Details Yellow Cab Toyota
State NY
Additional Information

Driver was a nice older heavyset Punjabi man with grey hair with a good sense of humor. I sat in the front passenger seat. He dropped me off at 501 W 28th St at 7pm at my AirBnB. I didn’t have my wallet when I got to my room. I checked around on the ground outside where he dropped me off but didn’t find it. I will also try to contact my airline in case it fell out on the Virgin Atlantic Flight from London Heathrow. Wallet has driver’s license with my name, a few canceled debit cards (USAA, BBVA), my health insurance card (BCBS), and perhaps another card or two, including an Oyster London Underground card. It also should have my wife’s contact information (Carol Ingram).

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