case glasses

Lost Item Information

Please review the following details for your property.

Claim ID 5621
Property Lost case glasses
Date Lost Jul 26, 2017
Time Lost 08:00 PM
First Name Renata
Pickup / Drop off Location near the RIU hotel around 8pm
Taxi Details It was a big car with a black driver.
State new york
Additional Information

Yesterday we took a taxi (yellow cabs) near the RIU hotel around 8pm towards the stanford Hotel. 43 west 32nd st. New York, NY 10001. It was a big car with a black driver.
In it I left a cloth glasses, in it besides all my dollars (I’m on vacation) besides my credit card Itaucard Renata S das Neves and the hotel card with address. Having already registered by telephone, I
am now trying again, since I have not received any information yet. I need the help of the company to resolve this situation and continue to have a quiet vacation, especially with regard to my credit card.
Thank you for all your help.

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