Cell phone Samsung Galaxy S7

Lost Item Information

Please review the following details for your property.

Claim ID 9271
Property Lost Cell phone Samsung Galaxy S7
Date Lost Nov 03, 2017
Time Lost 1::0 AM
First Name Michael
Pickup / Drop off Location SW Corner of W. Bway & Prince St / 108 Crosby St
Taxi Details New large SUV type w/ very oversize sunroof
State NY
Additional Information

Picked up a bunch of umbrellas & a folded exercise machine. When dropped off my cell phone must have dropped out of my back pocket and into the back seat. The metered fare was $5.30, and I paid $7 cash. I did not take a receipt. The driver was kind enough to help me with the items, by placing them on the sidewalk. The time was approx 12:45 to 1:00 am. After the cab left, I realized my phone was gone. Upon getting home, I used my “Where’s My Droid” app and located my phone in the taxi , as it zigzagged through Brooklyn, picking & dropping off passengers.I guessed that the phone was under the seat because it was still there at the last stop, which I think was his home, at about 2am at 3903 ave I, and stayed there until around 430 am when i finally went to bed. The next day, the signal was lost.

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